Any sickness absence must be notified to your Educational Supervisor at your training location and the Training Programme team on the first day of sickness absence in line with local reporting procedures.
The training programme must also be informed of any sickness absence. This should be done via the submission of a self-certificate for any sickness up to and including 7 days of absence. For absence from the 8th day onwards a fit note signed by your GP must be submitted. The Self-Certificate sickness form can be found Sickness Absence Self-Certification Form
It is important that sickness is reported to the training programme in a timely manner and during the month in which it occurs. A monthly attendance return is submitted to the payroll department at the end of each month and must contain an accurate record of sickness absence.
The Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust sickness policy which can be found on the Employment page will provide details how sickness absence will be managed and the Training Programme team can provide further assistance. Occupational Health services are provided by Working Well.
Specialty Registrars will be required to complete a return to work sickness form with their educational supervisor for all episodes of sickness. Return to work sickness form can be found here.