Employees of the Trust are required to read and complete the Trust’s Code of Conduct (which includes GDPR and Code of Confidentiality) within the first four weeks of their employment. This can be achieved by accessing ESR. For ESR guidance and instructions, please visit the ESR support page.
As you will not be based on Trust premises there is an expectation that you will carry out an appropriate induction as directed by your host service which will be relevant to the environment in which you are working. In addition your host service will inform you of training they require you to complete.
All Gloucestershire Hospitals Trust training is, of course, available to you, but our face to face elements may not be a practical option for you to undertake due to your geographical location. However ESR is available from any computer. A selection of eLearning topics have already been loaded into your account and are ready and waiting for you should you wish to choose this method as a means of completing your training. Evidence of completion of eLearning is available by printing certificates.
For your information, if you were based in the Trust you would have to complete Corporate Induction and Mandatory Training relevant to your role. This is a professional requirement to fulfil internal and external standards (NHS Litigation Authority, Care Quality Commission etc) and an essential element in improving patient safety.
Training requirements for a Registrar working in a Public Health training location can be viewed in the School of Public Health website. The Training Matrix provides staff with information on how the training can be achieved (i.e. face to face or eLearning), how often the topic has to be updated (i.e. annually / every two years etc). In the event of you wishing to undertake any face to face training you will need to contact the Learning and Development Department on ghn-tr.elearning.ghft@nhs.net or 0300 422 6093.
If you have any issues with ESR access please contact ghn-tr.esraccess@nhs.net or 0300 422 6093.