Welcome to our webpages for Trainers (Educational, Academic and  Activity Supervisors)

This section of the website contains information and resources for trainers and those who are interested in being approved as an Educational, Academic or Activity Supervisor.

All registrars have an Educational Supervisor and an Academic Supervisor and will be supported for individual projects by an Activity Supervisor.

Educational Supervisors are based within service locations. Specialty Registrars are allocated a supervisor based upon availability at their first training location. When a StR moves training location, a new Educational Supervisor will be allocated. The nominated Educational Supervisor is responsible for overseeing the Specialty Registrar’s training programme. Regular meetings between the supervisor and StR should be maintained throughout the Registrar's training.

Academic Supervisors are linked to the three academic institutions, University of Bristol, University of Exeter and the University of the West of England. Each institution has a lead academic who allocates Academic Supervisors to each new Specialty Registrar in conjunction with the Training Programme. The Academic Supervisor is responsible for providing support during the academic component of training and for helping prepare Registrars for their FPH examinations (DFPH and MFPH).

Activity Supervisors support StRs on specific projects/activities, agreed by the Educational Supervisor. 


Whilst supervisors are linked to individual StRs, each training location has a Specialty Tutor who supports quality of training in each location. The training programme also has Zone Leads, who represent one of the geographical zones. They support all supervisors within their zone and ensure quality training standards are met.

See the Supervisor Toolkit for further details about roles and responsibilities and the Faculty of Public Health.


How do I become a Trainer?

All supervisors must meet the training requirements developed by Severn PGME to ensure compliance with the General Medical Council (GMC) training requirements. 

Public Health training events designed by the South West Public Health Training Programme have been developed to cover the requirements. More information on the training required can be found here. Please see the training programme calendar for details of upcoming events.

Training activities organised by Severn PGME for all specialties to meet these requirements are also open to Public Health supervisors. Dates of these courses can be found on the training programme calendar.

For any questions, please contact the Training Programme