South West Public Health Training Programme

Hosting a Specialty Registrar

In order to train future Public Health Consultants, the South West Public Health Training Programme relies on training locations throughout the south west to provide expertise, support and commitment to Specialty Registrars. Without Educational, Project and Academic supervisors, no StR would complete their training. The Programme Team strives to help colleagues fulfil their important role and happy to answer any queries you may have.
This pack contains essential information for host organisations of Public Health Specialty Registrars. It is being sent to Specialty Tutors in each training location for use by all supervisors. 

Information in your pack:

Pack contents

Information when hosting a new StR.

Checklist of induction – local and regional

Job description for: 
Educational Supervisors
Specialty Tutor
Zone leads


Information for Training Locations when hosting a new Specialty Registrar (StR)

The start date for all Specialty Registrars is the first Wednesday in August. If your training location is to host a new StR the named Educational Supervisor for the StR will be sent information including an application form and information regarding attendance or completion of MPH. All employment processes are carried out by the Programme Manager. The StR will be employed by Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Trust.

The Programme Team organises a regional induction programme and the Educational Supervisor notified of dates. The local department is responsible for organising a local induction including statutory and mandatory training. See separate document which outlines whose responsibility it is to cover aspects of induction.

For those attending the MPH course the start date in August does not allow much time for new StRs to gain much experience before they commence their course, we recommend they spend time meeting as many key people as possible.  Learning agreements are essential to be completed with new StRs. An example can be obtained from the Training Programme team. The ARCP panel would like to emphasise the importance of the minimum of one hour timetabled protected contact time with a new StR each week.

Educational supervisors should remind themselves of the requirements for educational supervisors including responsibilities for newly appointed StRs, as set out on FPH website and check their supervisor training is up to date. Equality and diversity are only valid for 3 years so this needs to be checked.

The ARCP panel wish to emphasise it is expected that, unless there are exceptional circumstances, all StRs sit their DFPH in the June following their appointment and should concentrate on studying the DFPH syllabus. The educational supervisor should be familiar with the Phase 1 Learning Outcomes and it is recommended that an early meeting is organised in order to identify any gaps in knowledge and skills in preparation for DFPH alongside the MPH and build in any additional learning and support, as required.

From the start of the programme, StRs will be expected to develop an electronic portfolio. Educational supervisors must ensure they are familiar with their expected role and responsibilities.

StRs are expected to keep in touch with their educational and academic supervisor during their academic year. They should attend their training location during the university breaks unless agreement has been made for them to have annual leave, study leave or work from home on their University work.  They must also take their annual leave during these breaks.

StR tutorials are held throughout the region. Attendance is logged. Please ensure StRs attend these training events on completion of the MPH/DFPH, which are also valuable for peer support. The StR committee organises the tutorial programme. It also operates a buddy system for newly appointed colleagues.


Covered during Regional Induction


South West Public Health Training Programme
Regional Induction

Stat & Man training - NHS v LA

Grievance procedures

Discipline procedures

Other employer policies eg Flexible working

Annual Leave

Study Leave



Employment Law

HR systems and records overview

Occupational Health


Training Pathway

Appraisals, ARCPs & revalidation


Initial training plans after induction

Development of personal objectives and goals

Expectations, standards, current priorities

Performance reporting - e-portfolio

Performance evaluation - ARCP



who does what
Head of School
Programme Manager
Training Manager

Specialty Tutors
Educational supervisors
Academic supervisors
Activity supervisors

Training activities


Training support, assistance, mentor support

Where to go, who to call, who to ask for help and advice

Academic support - MPH, exams

Structures of Public Health system


Health Protection

Excel skills



South West Public Health Training Programme
Specialty Registrar Local Induction


Timings and induction training overview




Housekeeping and general location information


Health and Safety, and hazard reporting


Emergency procedures, fire drill, first aid


Accident reporting


Delivery of stat/man training

Liaise with programme team

Other housekeeping issues


General administration


Restricted areas, access, passes


IT training


Access to personal data/ information governance/ IT security


Time and attendance system - usual hours worked, Homeworking policy




Transport and parking


Absenteeism and lateness

Programme team to be notified of absence as well as training location

Food and drink, catering




Your Organisation and Department


History and background overview


Ethics and philosophy


Mission statement(s)


Organisation overview and structure


Departmental structure and interfaces


Who's who (names, roles, responsibilities)


Site layout


Other sites and locations


Dress codes


Basic communications overview


Facilities and amenities


Department tour


DPH - Departmental functions and aims


Line manager - Team and management


People and personalities overview


Related departments and functions
agreed visits and 1:1s needed.  Agree shadowing


How the department actually works and relates to others
agree visits and 1:1s needed


Politics, protocols, unwritten rules (extremely helpful, but be careful to avoid sensitive or judgemental issues)


The work-flow - what are we actually here to do?


How the StR job role fits into the department


Reporting, communications and management structures:
Working with your Educational Supervisor, Academic Supervisor & Activity Supervisor. Your Specialty Tutor.


Terminology, jargon, glossary, definitions of local terms


Work space or workstation


Stationery and supplies


Carry out an exercise about getting to know the LA data






Developing a working partnership with your Educational Supervisor.  Line management arrangements


Job description - duties, authority, scope, area/coverage/territory


Expectations, standards, current priorities


Training needs analysis method and next steps


Initial training plans after induction


Training support, assistance, mentor support


Where to go, who to call, who to ask for help and advice

Specialty Tutor
PA support:
-arranging meetings.
StR colleagues

Develop a learning agreement and work programme


Training review times and dates


Development of personal objectives and goals


Employer appraisal, necessary for revalidation


Opportunities for self-driven development


Virtual teams, groups, projects open to job role


Social activities and clubs, etc.


Initial induction de-brief and feedback


Confirmation of next training actions


Visits and tours of other relevant locations, sites and partners – key meetings – have set up before Registrar arrives


Attendance of meetings and project groups



Job Description – Educational Supervisor

Accountable to: Training Location and Training Programme

Tenure: Ongoing – subject to annual review

Job Purpose

An educational supervisor is a named individual who is responsible for supporting, guiding and monitoring the progress of a named Specialty Registrar for a specified period of time. He/she is based in the same organisation as the Specialty Registrar. Every Specialty Registrar should have a named educational supervisor and the Specialty Registrar should be informed of the name of his/her educational supervisor in writing.

Key Responsibilities

1 They should have received appropriate training for the role:

  • Completed the appropriate local / regional training
  • Understand educational theory and practical educational techniques
  • Be familiar with the structure of the training programme, the curriculum and the educational opportunities available.
  • Be familiar with local policies for dealing with Specialty Registrars in difficulty.
  • Have sufficient identified time in the job plan to carry out role effectively
  • The educational supervisor should oversee the education of the Specialty Registrar, acting as his/her mentor and meeting with the Specialty Registrar to ensure that he/she is making the expected educational progress.
  • The educational supervisor should ensure that all meetings occur in protected time and are held in a private and undisturbed environment.

2 They should meet with the Specialty Registrar during the first week of his/her post to:-

  • · ensure that the Specialty Registrar understands his/her responsibility for his/her own learning, the structure of the programme, the curriculum, the educational opportunities available, the assessment system and the relevant portfolio
  • · sign the Learning Agreement
  • · develop a personal learning plan with the Specialty Registrar which is mutually agreed and which will be the point of reference for future appraisals
  • · establish a supportive relationship

3 The educational supervisor should meet with the Specialty Registrar to carry out regular educational appraisals, ensure review of and reflection on all aspects of Good Medical/Public Health Practice. Before each meeting, (and if necessary after the meeting) the educational supervisor should exchange information with those involved in the Activity supervision of the Specialty Registrar and other key personnel with whom the Specialty Registrar is working. During each meeting:

  • review progress with the personal learning plan
  • the personal learning plan should be updated if necessary
  • the supervised learning events, workplace based assessments and the attendance at formal teaching events should be reviewed
  • the Specialty Registrar’s eportfolio should be reviewed to ensure that it is being maintained and developed by the Specialty Registrar.
  • Note: The Specialty Registrar has overall responsibility for ensuring that his/her eportfolio is maintained and developed and that all relevant documentation is completed at the appropriate time and signed off where necessary 
  • performance and professionalism should be reviewed 
  • any complaints and / or serious incidents should be discussed and a reflective note written in the portfolio. These should be mentioned on the Educational Supervisors Report and the Enhanced Form R for the ARCP.
  • the Specialty Registrar should be given honest and constructive feedback
  • the Specialty Registrar should be given the opportunity to comment on his/her training and the support that is being provided. Any problems that are identified by the Specialty Registrar should be discussed and a solution should be sought.

4 The educational supervisor should ensure that the Educational Supervisor’s Structured Report is completed and returned to the Annual Review of Competence Progression Panel within the necessary timescales. This may require seeking feedback on the Specialty Registrar’s performance from other Trainers and Activity Supervisors.

5 The educational supervisor should ensure that the Specialty Registrar knows how to access careers advice and support.

6 If a Specialty Registrar’s performance and/or professionalism is not reaching the required standard, the educational supervisor should ensure that

  • This is discussed with the Specialty Registrar as soon after the problem is identified as possible and that a written record of the meeting is kept
  • Remedial measures are put in place with clearly defined written objectives so that the Specialty Registrar has the opportunity to correct any deficiencies
  • All relevant key personnel (including the Training Programme Director and the Postgraduate Dean) are kept fully informed.

7 If a Specialty Registrar is otherwise in difficulty, the educational supervisor should ensure that the local policy for managing Specialty Registrars in difficulty is followed.


Job Description - Specialty Tutor

The Specialty Tutor is responsible, within their defined area, for overseeing the delivery of the training programmes to all postgraduate public health Specialty Registrars. They should ensure a learning environment at departmental level which is challenging, supportive and, where appropriate, multi-professional. They should be appointed jointly by the Training Location and Training Programme. They are managerially accountable to the Director of Public Health of the department with professional responsibility to the Training Programme Director.

General Responsibilities

  • To ensure that the educational, pastoral & career planning needs of all Specialty Registrars in your department are being addressed
  • To implement, monitor and improve the training programmes in the conjunction with the Training Programme.
  • Where appropriate to work with the Training Programme to ensure the specialty placement fulfils the programme requirements
  • To represent their specialty area via the Zone Lead at training committees, both internally and externally, as required
  • To ensure, that all those involved in training and assessing Specialty Registrars have received appropriate training
  • To engage with Specialty Registrar performance issues in line with Training Programme policy
  • To ensure, that Specialty Registrars receive appropriate departmental induction and are competent to practice prior to starting Public Health practice
  • To represent Public Health in the workplace
Key Result Areas
  • Educational plans and timetables appropriate to individual’s learning needs
  • Regular meetings with DPH to discuss training and workforce issues and evidence that training is valued within the department. Service reconfiguration and training requirements are discussed together.
  • All Specialty Registrars will have a named educational supervisor who understands his/her role
  • Provision of educational programme of both formal and work-based learning opportunities covering both specialty and generic curricula in collaboration with colleagues and programme directors
  • Clear evidence of the delivery, uptake and effectiveness of learning for Specialty Registrars in all aspects of the curriculum
  • Departmental induction occurring in the specialty which is evaluated and attendance
  • recorded
  • Ensure Speciality Registrars are included in departmental training
  • Attendance at local and regional education meetings as appropriate
  • Active involvement in recruitment, assessment and annual review processes
  • Recording of information required by local, regional and national quality control processes and the provision of a report as necessary
  • Counselling and Careers Advice available for all Specialty Registrars
  • Personal Development
  • Develop an appropriate education PDP to be discussed and approved at annual appraisal.


Roles and Expectations of Zone Lead Supervisors

Zone leads were an innovation within the SW PH Specialty Training Programme. They do not normally feature in the structure of specialty training programmes, but were considered a helpful means of developing closer relationships between the Programme and training locations given the geography of the South West. Their roles are:

  • To act as a point of contact for supervisors in their geographical area and provide support to colleagues as needed (e.g. mentoring new supervisors);
  • To organise local learning events and build on those offered by the training programme;
  • To represent their area on the Training Committee, both to bring items to the committee and feedback outcomes from the committee to colleagues;
  • To keep the Head of School up to date of training issues within their area.

Method of appointment: volunteer – vote if over-subscribed; approved by Head of School.

Term of office: 3 years can be re-appointed for one further term of office.