Clarification of the Roles and Expectations of Specialty Tutors
Specialty tutors are a standard feature of all specialty training programmes in Severn PGME.
The Training Programme invite DPHs to nominate a specialty tutor for each of their training locations. An identified enthusiast to support quality of training in each location was needed given the clear need to implement the PGME Quality Framework systematically in all training locations. University leads have adopted the specialty tutor role for their locations. The roles of specialty tutors are to help :
- Maintain an environment within the departmental multi-professional team that supports training and delivers the curriculum and relevant assessments at Foundation, and Specialty levels.
- Support Registrars and supervisors
- Ensure systems are in place for induction, developing the quality of training, delivery of formal education and study leave management
- Act as point of contact for the Training Programme for promotion of training events and other communications where local support is particularly needed.
- Attend and engage in Specialty Tutor teleconferences with the Training Programme (these are held every other month)
Note that specialty tutors support rather than line manage their supervisor colleagues. In some locations DPHs have adopted the specialty tutor role rather than delegating to an educational supervisor in their department.
Method of appointment: nomination by Director of the training location eg DPH.
Term of office: 3 years can be re-appointed for one further term of office.
Roles and Expectations of RSTC Zone Leads
Zone leads were an innovation within the SW PH Specialty Training Programme. They do not normally feature in the structure of specialty training programmes, but were considered a helpful means of developing closer relationships between the Programme and training locations given the geography of the South West. Their membership of the Training Committee is reflected in the Terms of Reference for the Training Committee. Their roles are:
- To act as a point of contact for supervisors in their geographical area and provide support to colleagues as needed (e.g. mentoring new supervisors);
- To organise local learning events and build on those offered by the training programme;
- To represent their area on the Training Committee, both to bring items to the committee and feedback outcomes from the committee to colleagues;
- To keep the Training Programme Director up to date of training issues within their area.
Method of appointment: volunteer – vote if over subscribed; approved by TPD/Chair of RSTC.
Term of office: 3 years can be re-appointed for one further term of office.