South West Population and Public Health Academy Board 

Academy board meetings take place three times a year (usually in January, May and September). 

Please see events for more details on when these meetings take place.

The Terms of Reference and membership can be found below.


South West Population and Public Health Academy Board

Terms of Reference


To oversee the development implementation and monitoring of a comprehensive high-quality specialty Public Health Training Programme and Public Health Workforce Development Programmes in the South West region.

To oversee the regional training programme for Specialists in Public Health:

  • Reviewing the quality and outcomes of the Programme, including meeting HEE and GMC standards; consistency and equity of opportunities for development of health protection, improvement and healthcare PH competences in service and academic locations.
  • Collecting, collating and providing evidence that required standards of training and education are met by the service providers
  • Receiving reports from members on quality relating to their constituencies
  • Developing policy as needed to guide the Programme and practice within the South West
  • Planning action to develop standards of educational practice and public health specialty training, taking account of the results of quality review, local and national innovative ideas and evidence.
  • Supporting local development, selection and support for training positions, including specialty tutors, educational supervisors, academic supervisors and activity supervisors.
  • Encouraging participation in training and ensuring educational supervisors are appropriately trained
  • Overseeing recruitment and rotation planning, to support the provision of a future workforce offering the range of PH skills and knowledge needed by service and academic locations.
  • Overseeing delivery of the training curriculum and use of appropriate assessment methods.
  • Facilitating the development of innovative training programmes and opportunities for both specialty and generic skills.
  • Promoting a multidisciplinary approach to learning and development.
  • Disseminating national policy and quality assurance reports e.g. from National Trainee Survey.
  • Advising on the recognition of new training zones, locations and placements.
  • Ensuring that the business of the board complies fully with Health Education governance arrangements.
  • Receiving an annual report on public health training and development in the South West from the Head of School.
  • Entrusting committee members who represent nominated groups, to cascade committee decisions and information.
  • Contributing towards the development of wider multidisciplinary public health training through links with South West Public Health Workforce Development Steering Group.  


Method of Working

  • Members of the board will be eligible to serve a 3-year term, which may be extended by one further term of office.
  • Members representing training zones are permitted to send a representative if they are unable to attend.
  • Zone leads are responsible for engaging with Specialty Tutors within the zone, bring any issues to the board and take key messages back.
  • The Chair will be the SW Head of School and Public Health Transformation who will report on the actions of the board to the Health Education England Public Health lead.
  • The Board will normally meet three times a year.
  • The Board may establish sub-groups on a permanent or ad hoc basis to look at specific issues as required e.g. study leave, workforce planning.
  • All members will have the right to put items on the agenda.
  • Each member listed below must submit a written report in advance of the board meeting or provide a verbal update at the meeting:
    • Academic leads
    • Public Health England Zone lead
    • CPD Co-Ordinator
    • Dental Public Health Lead
    • Public Health Registrar representatives
    • Population Health Wider Workforce Lead
    • Finance Business Partner
  • The Secretariat will be provided by the Public Health Training Programme Team.




Head of School and Public Health Transformation

Zone Leads*

North Zone

South Zone

East Zone

Public Health England Zone

Academic Leads

University of Bristol

University of Exeter

University of the West of England


Faculty Adviser

CPD Co-Ordinator

Lead Health Protection Representative

Lead Field Services Representative

Public Health Registrars (co-chairs) representing the StR Group

Dental Public Health Representative

Non board members

Finance Business Partner, South

Population Health Wider Workforce Lead

Head of Public Health Specialist Workforce

Public Health Training Manager

Business Support Administrator


PHE Workforce Development Manager


*Zone Leads – Leads cover all areas (locations and departments) within that zone.  

Suitable representatives of the institutions listed may attend meetings in the named lead’s absence, with agreement from the Chair.