Tutorial: Microbiology

Category: Tutorial Dates - Other

Date: December 7th 2017 10:00am until 4:30pm

Location: Seminar Room 2, L&R Building, Southmead Hospital, Bristol BS10 5NB

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 These tutorials are open to Public Health Specialty Registrars on the South West Public Health Training Programme only.

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Training Day in Medical Microbiology/Infection

Venue:  Seminar Room 2, L&R Building, Southmead Hospital, Bristol.

Date:     Thursday 7th December, 2017




Alasdair MacGowan



Basic Laboratory Methodologies and Bacterial Classification


Andy Lovering/Karen Bowker



Viral diagnosis and classification


Mat Donati     


Health Protection Case Studies

Charles Irish



Tea/coffee break




Pathogens of Public Health Importance     


Alasdair MacGowan


Typing of microbes

John Leeming





 (not provided)


Laboratory Tour

Jon Turner/Alasdair MacGowan/

Jane Usher


Surveillance of Infection       


Charles Beck



How microbiology can support Public Health

Charles Beck/Alasdair MacGowan

Mat Donati






To increase knowledge and skills in Microbiology and Infectious Diseases in order to improve case and outbreak management.



To better understand microbiological techniques and classifications

To better understand infectious disease scenarios encountered by public health specialists

To gain insights into the surveillance of infectious diseases in the UK

To receive an update on virology topics

To discuss aspects of how Microbiology and Health Protection work together and collaborate



Suggested learning outcomes

3.1 Display awareness of current national public health policies

3.5 Collate and interpret information and advice from clinical/ other colleagues to inform policy or strategy

6.1 Identify known or potential health effects associated with a particular hazard relevant to health protection which is common in a population

6.2 Characterise the hazard identified, both quantitatively and qualitative

6.3 Assess the degree of risk associated with exposure to a hazard commonly found in a population

6.4 Integrate hazard identification, characterisation and assessment into an estimate of the adverse events likely to occur in a population, based on a hazard commonly found in that population

6.5 Be able to complete a risk assessment for a hazard not commonly found in a population, drawing on external expertise as appropriate

6.9 Ask appropriate questions to recognise a problem when presented with a health protection challenge

6.10 Interpret the answer received and recognise the need to ask for relevant advice where appropriate

6.11 Identify and confirm the risks and possible exposures

6.13 Advise on and co-ordinate public health action required in the light of existing local & national policies and guidelines


Staff Teaching

Alasdair MacGowan        -              Lead Public Health Microbiologist, NIS, SW

Andy Lovering                   -              Consultant Clinical Scientist

Karen Bowker                   -              Consultant Clinical Scientist

Mat Donati                         -              Consultant Virologist

John Leeming                    -              Clinical Scientist

Charles Irish                       -              Consultant Virologist/CCDC

Jonathan Turner               -              Director of Operations, NIS, SW

Jane Usher                         -              Laboratory Manager, Virology

Charles Beck                      -              Consultant Epidemiologist


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