Tutorial: Field Epidemiology

Category: Tutorial Dates - Other

Date: August 22nd 2018 9:30am until 4:30pm

Location: PHE, Room 302/303 Rivergate, Bristol BS1 6 EH

Google map

These tutorials are open to Public Health Specialty Registrars on the South West Public Health Training Programme only.

Please register for this event by completing the form below.

After registering you will receive an email asking you to confirm your attendance. It is important to check your junk inbox for this message.

If you have confirmed attendance and then find you are unable to attend, it is important to inform Gemma Cooke, School Support Manager.





9:30 - 10:00


Welcome and Introductions


10:00 – 10:20


Intro to FS

Surveillance, outbreak investigation, contact tracing

10:20 – 10:50


Introduction to epidemiological investigation of outbreaks

Key concepts and steps in outbreak investigation

10:50 – 11:15


Descriptive epidemiology

Describing population in terms of time, place and person

11:15 – 11:30




11:30 –12:15

Outbreak case study part 1 (questions 1-3)

Outbreak detection including exceedances, reported clusters, reviewing questionnaires, outbreak definition, case definitions

12:15 – 12:45


Study designs - cohort

Features, strengths, weaknesses, recruitment

12:45 – 13:45




13:45 – 14:15


Study designs - case control

Features, strengths, weaknesses, selecting controls

14:15 – 14:45


Outbreak case study part 2 (questions 4-5)

Study design discussion, interpretation of food-specific attack rates

14:15 – 15:00

Analytical epidemiology

Interpreting outputs from epidemiological studies: confounding, effect modification, ORs, RRs.

15:15- 16:00


Gemma and Maggie


16:00 --


Future tutorial planning/ social (venue tbc, near Temple Meads station)


Relevant learning outcomes:

1.1   Address a public health question using data and intelligence by refining the problem to an answerable question or set of questions, determining the appropriate approach and applying that approach.

1.5 Display data using appropriate methods and technologies to maximise impact in presentations and written reports for a variety of audiences.

1.6 Use and interpret quantitative and qualitative data, synthesising the information to inform action.


6.2 Gather and analyse information, within an appropriate timescale, to identify and assess the risks of health protection hazards.

6.7 Demonstrate an understanding of the steps involved in outbreak/incident investigation and management and be able to make a significant contribution to the health protection response.


8.1 Apply and interpret appropriate statistical methods, and use standard statistical packages.

8.2 Apply principles of epidemiology in public health practice.

8.4 Advise on the relative strengths and limitations of different research methods to address a specific public health research question.


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