Tutorial: Public Health Ethics

Category: Tutorial Dates - Other

Date: January 25th 2023 9:30am until 4:30pm

Location: via MS Teams

These tutorials are open to Public Health Specialty Registrars on the South West Public Health Training Programme only.

Please register for this event by completing the form below.

After registering you will receive an email asking you to confirm your attendance. It is important to check your junk inbox for this message.

If you have confirmed attendance and then find you are unable to attend, it is important to inform Lucy Brenton.





Led by / Speaker

0930 - 0945

Welcome and introductions


0945 - 1015

StR business meeting

PPHAB Chairs

1015 - 1100

Bonus session:

Applying for OOP
Health system in New Zealand
Kat’s work in NZ (incl. bicultural aspects of work in NZ)
Personal reflections on moving /working abroad

Katherine McHale

SW registrar who has recently returned from working in New Zealand

1100 - 1115

Comfort break


1115 - 1215

The law and ethics of priority-setting in health

Keith Syrett

Professor in UoB Law School, a leading authority on priority setting and (public) health law and policy

1215 - 1300

Lunch break


1300 - 1330

Training programme update

Maggie and the Training Programme team

1330 - 1430

Is public health just science lecture

John Coggon

Professor of Law UoB
Honorary Member of the FPH

1430 - 1515

Comfort break

Please read case study during this time


1515 - 1615

Case study discussion 

Whole group, facilitated by John Coggon

1615 - 1630

Evaluation form and close



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