Draft Programme - subject to change
10:30 |
Welcome from the Chair Professor Maggie Rae, Head of School of Public Health and Transformation
10:40 |
‘Women’s views on acceptable content, delivery methods and target populations for preconception health interventions: a qualitative exploration’ (Highly commenced abstract) Dr Michael Daly, Research Associate in Public Health, University of Bristol |
11:10 |
‘Confidence in the COVID-19 vaccine: a qualitative enquiry into the perspectives of Black Caribbean people living in Bristol’ (Highly commended abstract) Nicole Zographou, Health Protection Practitioner, UKHSA |
11:35 |
Tea/Coffee/Comfort break
11:50 |
Parallel Sessions (4 virtual rooms) |
12:50 |
13:20 |
Time to view the pre-recorded mini-oral sessions
14.00 |
Parallel Sessions (4 virtual rooms)
14:40 |
Tea/Coffee/Comfort break
14:55 |
Chair/Award presentation Professor Maggie Rae, Head of School of Public Health and Transformation
15.00 |
‘Exploring the associations between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and adolescent cancer risk behaviours in the ALSPAC cohort’ (Highly commended abstract) Dr Paul Okediji, Specialty Registrar in Public Health, South Gloucestershire Council |
15:25 |
‘Importance of Scientific Research and Development underpinning Public Health work/future NIHR developments’ Professor Lucy Chappell, Chief Scientific Officer, Department of Health and Social Care/CEO of NIHR |
15:55 |
Closing remarks |
11:50 – 12:50
Room 1 AM
Room 2 AM
Room 3 AM
Room 4 AM
Weight Management across the life course |
Enhancing uptake of vaccinations and immunisations |
Health Inequalities in the Community |
Young People’s Health |
Chair: |
Chair: |
Chair: |
Chair: |
11.50 – 12.07 |
A1 Beki Langford NIHR ARC West Co-designing adult weight management services: A qualitative study exploring barriers, facilitators, and considerations for future commissioning |
A2 Emma Sidebotham Gloucestershire County Council Interventions to increase vaccine uptake for socially excluded groups: a systematic review with meta-analysis and vote-counting |
A3 Suzanna Miles Somerset Council Experiences of access to CVD preventative health services within homeless and rough sleeper populations in Somerset. |
A4 Anna Goulding Public Health Dorset Air pollution and inflammation in childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood: evidence from a birth cohort |
Time to move virtual room (3 minutes) |
12.10– 12.27 |
B1 Francesca Spiga University of Bristol Interventions to prevent obesity in children and adolescents aged 5 to 18 years old: a Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials |
B2 Sarah Davies University of Bristol Developing a coding framework to identify key characteristics of vaccine uptake interventions to inform a component level network meta-analysis. |
B3 Sharea Ijaz University of Bristol Enhancing Support To improvE wEllbeing in Minoritised young people: implementation of a community-based pilot mental health and wellbeing service |
B4 Olivia Ford South Gloucestershire Council How is child dental health affected by deprivation? An explorative analysis of possible inequalities in dental health outcomes of children in South Gloucestershire |
Time to move virtual room (3 minutes) |
12.30 – 12.47 |
C1 Mena Abidakun University of the West of England Obese pregnant and postpartum women's experiences of weight stigma in maternity care settings: A mixed methods systematic review |
C2 Lesley Lewis Somerset Council The effectiveness of reminder letters and telephone calls to increase uptake of childhood immunisations in Somerset |
C3 Cathy McMahon Bath and North East Somerset Council Food insecurity among recipients of pension credit in Bath and North East Somerset |
C4 Gemma Lyness UK Health Security Agency Understanding the rapid rise of gonorrhoea in young people in South West England, 2022/23 |
Lunch (Pre-recorded mini-oral sessions can be viewed on the SharePoint site) |
14:00 – 14:40
Room 1 PM
Room 2 PM
Room 3 PM
Room 4 PM
Smoking and maternal health |
Wider determinants of maternal outcomes |
Improving access to medication |
Prevention in different contexts |
Chair: |
Chair: |
Chair: |
Chair: |
14.00 – 14.17 |
D1 Claire Tatton Torbay Council Understanding for whom, under what conditions and how smoking cessation services for pregnant women in the UK work - a rapid realist review |
D2 Rhiannon D’Arcy University of Oxford Inequalities in maternal and perinatal outcomes driven by Multiple Long-Term Conditions: A 10-year retrospective cohort study of 146,306 pregnancies using linked data from UK Primary and Secondary Care |
D3 Orla Dunn Somerset Council Widening access to novel lipid lowering therapies (Somerset InHIP trial): impact of prioritised blood follow-up |
D4 Hannah Robinson University of Bristol UK prevention and postvention guidance on self-harm and suicide for educational and youth organisations: a systematic scoping review of grey literature. |
Time to move virtual room (3 minutes) |
14.20 – 14.37 |
E1 Tracey Hellyar Somerset Council Reducing Smoking at Time of Delivery in Somerset: evaluation of iCOquit monitors for self-monitoring by service users |
E2 Amy Brown Swansea University Understanding the factors that support longer term breastfeeding: the importance of parent support, workplace culture and partnership working. |
E3 China Harrison University of Bristol Facilitators and barriers of community pharmacy PrEP delivery: A scoping review |
E4 Anne Scott University of Bristol How to improve HIV prevention and testing in general practice: a Person-Based Approach (PBA) intervention development study |
Comfort Break/Time to move to main link |