9.00 - Boards available for setting up poster presentations
Ballroom Balcony

9.30 - Tea/Coffee & registration
Prince Consort Bar

9.45 - Welcome
Gabriel Scally, Director of Public Health, NHS South of England
Prince Consort Hall

10.00 - Identification and Referral to Improve Safety (IRIS) of women experiencing domestic violence
Professor Gene Feder, University of Bristol

10.30 - Impact of the growing use of narrative verdicts by coroners on geographic variations in suicide: analysis of coroners’ inquest data
Robert Carroll, University of Bristol (Highly Commended Abstract)

11.00 - Tea/Coffee plus an opportunity to view the poster presentations

11.30 - Parallel Sessions
Please see page 2 for details of morning parallel sessions
Prince Consort Hall, Ashcombe, Grove and Clarence Suites

12.50 - Lunch plus an opportunity to view the poster presentations

2.00 - Parallel Sessions
Please see page 3 for details of afternoon parallel sessions
Prince Consort Hall, Ashcombe, Grove and Clarence Suites

2.40 - Tea/Coffee
Prince Consort Bar

2.50 - A quantitative exploration of multiple risk behaviours in adolescence using data from the ALSPAC cohort
Professor Rona Campbell, University of Bristol (Highly Commended Abstract)
Prince Consort Hall

3.20 - The effects of economic recession on health
Professor Martin McKee CBE, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

3.50 - Closing remarks and awards for best poster and highly commended papers
Hugh Annett, Joint Director of Public Health, Bristol

4.00 - Close