VENUE: BEST MATE ROOM (Ground floor next to Main Conference room)
How to Step out of your Comfort zone in comfort
This 20-minute session will equip participants with some easy and accessible tools to help calm the body and mind before giving that all-important presentation, or chairing a meeting, or just facing the day.
Focussing on the ‘Notice’ element of the 5 ways to Wellbeing the session will be an opportunity to try some physical exercises, breathing techniques and Mindfulness based exercises designed to calm the body and mind.
Come and join us to relax, let go, refocus and re-energise!
The session will be run by Nicki Glassbrook, who leads on Public Mental Health for Devon County Council and is a qualified yoga teacher, although she promises not to tie you up in knots!
This session will be run on two occasions during lunchtime so delegates can either have lunch before the session or have lunch after the session.
There will be no sign up for this session please just turn up.