South West Population & Public Health Academy - Series 2, Webinar 4 - Obesity and Health Inequalities

Category: Regional Public Health Events - Other

Date: April 5th 2022 11:30am until 12:45pm

Location: via MS Teams


Series 2, Webinar 4: Obesity and Health Inequalities 


  • Professor Maggie Rae, Head of School and Public Health Transformation, Health Education England
  • Mark Cooke, SRO for Health Inequalities, Director of Strategy and Transformation, NHSEI South West


  • Fiona Baldwin, Assistant Director Clinical Programmes/Networks, NHS England and Improvement 
  • Justine Womack, Obesity and CVD Prevention Lead, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities South West 
  • Rhian Augustus, Social Worker, Department of Endocrinology, Bristol NHS Foundation Trust
  • Sue Weaver, Lead Commissioner (Health Improvement), Gloucestershire County Council
  • Julie Craig, Children's Commissioner, Gloucestershire County Council
  • Grace Davies, Public Health Prinipal, Bristol City Council

Learning Outcomes

  • To understand the data on obesity inequality in the South West
  • To learn about the impact of the pandemic on obesity in adults and children
  • To understand how childhood obesity inequality impacts on the patients seen in Tier 3 weight management services and the increasing demand for services
  • To learn how at risk populations can be engaged in developing weight management services that meet their needs through two case-studies in Bristol and Gloucestershire


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