Tutorial: Spatial planning and food & drink regulation
Category: Regional Public Health Events - Other
Date: November 18th 2014 9:30am until 4:20pm
Location: RG Conf Rm 4 - Ground Floor Conf Suite, 2 Rivergate, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6ED
These tutorials are open to Public Health Specialty Registrars on the South West Public Health Training Programme only.
Please register for this event by completing the form below.
After registering you will receive an email asking you to confirm your attendance. It is important to check your junk inbox for this message.
If you have confirmed attendance and then find you are unable to attend, it is important to inform Gemma Cooke, School Support Manager.
South West Public Health Training Programme
Date: Tuesday 18th November 2014
Location: 2 Rivergate, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6EH
Room: RG Conf Rm 4 - Ground Floor Conf Suite
Booking a place: http://www.swph-education.org.uk/events/
Trains arrives BTM from: Exeter & Plymouth: 9.25 Bath & London: 9.10 Gloucester: 9.18 (via Severn Tunnel Junction)
9.30 – 9.50 |
Tea & coffee on arrival |
9.50 – 10.00 |
Welcome and overview of the day; Housekeeping issues |
Beth Bennett-Britton StR in Public Health |
10.00 – 10.10 |
Session 1 – Introduction to health and planning |
Kate Conlon StR in Public Health |
10.10 – 11.10 |
Session 2 – The Bristol Story |
Adrian Davis |
11.10 – 11.20 |
Tea and coffee break |
11.20 – 12.20 |
Session 3 – The Planning Process |
Dave Johnson Senior Lecturer Planning, University of the West of England |
12.20 – 12.50 |
Lunch |
Not provided |
12.50 – 13.15 |
Session 4 – Health Impact Assessment in creating healthy environments |
13.15 – 13.30 |
Session 5 – Food and Public Health Setting the scene |
Angela Raffle Consultant in Public Health Bristol City Council |
13.30 – 14.15 |
Session 6 - Food and Drink regulation |
Sharon Sawyers Senior Trading Standards Officer Bristol City Council |
14.15 – 14.20 |
Comfort break |
14.20 – 15.05 |
Session 7 – Improving Fast Food |
Grace Davies Environmental Health Officer and Public Health Practitioner Bristol City Council |
15:05 – 15:15 |
Tea and coffee break |
15.15 – 16.00 |
Session 8 – The Sustainable Food Movement in Bristol |
Angela Raffle Consultant in Public Health Bristol City Council |
16.00 – 16.20 |
Review and discussion StR Business, AOB |
All StRs |
Trains depart to: Exeter & Plymouth: 16.45 Bath & London: 16.30, 16.41 Gloucester: 16.30, 16.41
17:00 – 18:00 |
Optional Session – Beverages at Yurt Lush!
All |
Aim of the Tutorial:
The morning session aims to provide Registrars with an overview of Spatial Planning and Health including how the planning process operates and opportunities for public health to influence the creation of healthier environments (via examples from Bristol). and to give them opportunity to discuss the knowledge to become confident of using it in their Public Health practice.
The afternoon sessions aims to provide registrars with an overview of Food and Drink (including alcohol) Regulation, introducing registrars to the role of Trading Standards and Environmental Health in regulation, how public health can work more effectively with our colleagues to promote health, and an introduction to the pioneering Sustainable Food Movement in Bristol.
Objectives of the Tutorial:
- To provide a good overview of what healthy spatial planning is and mechanisms to achieve this,
- To become familiar with the key players in creating healthier environments and their roles,
- To update knowledge on Health Impact Assessment and tools related to healthy spatial planning,
- To develop a good knowledge base of food and drink regulation currently important to Public Health practice,
- To become familiar with the processes and key players in promoting health through regulation,
- To develop awareness of sustainable food as an emerging Public Health issue.
Suggested Learning Outcomes:
2.18 Use evidence-based recommendations to influence decisions
3.1 Display awareness of current national PH policies
3.2 Recognise the need for policy work to address problems
3.5 Collate and interpret information and advice from clinical or other colleagues to inform policy or strategy
3.6 Make appropriate changes to policy or strategy proposals in response to discussion with stakeholders
3.10 Analyse the process and outcomes of policy implementation
5.1 Debate the relative importance of individual and society decisions for health and ethical issues relating to health improvement
5.4 Assess and communicate the need for health improvement in a defined community, presenting a case for action/inaction in response to the presenting health problem
5.12 Apply understanding of a range of organisations and their different cultures and perspectives to bring about effective health improvement activity
6.3 Assess the degree of risk associated with exposure to a hazard commonly found in the population
6.4 Integrate hazard identification, characterisation and assessment into an estimate of the adverse events likely to occur in a population, based on a hazard commonly found in that population
6.6 Describe complex issues clearly to individuals, groups and communities
9.11 Help the public to be aware of and understand health issues
EMS2 Be willing to consult colleagues
EMS5 Establish and maintain trust by listening to and respecting others’ views including giving patients and others the information they need in a way they can understand
EMS6 Treat others with courtesy
EMS7 Respect the rights of the public and patients to be involved in choices
EMS13 Keep knowledge and skills up to date, including regular audit, appraisal and reflective learning
EMS18 Work within a value system appropriate to public health advocacy