Aim:  To increase awareness and understanding of the breadth of public health project work undertaken by Registrars in public health training by facilitating inter Registrar sharing of learning. 


  • To share project work undertaken, specifically to discuss resources used, realities of project completion, how the work contributed to the publics health
  • To discuss and finalise a plan for mechanisms of sharing learning and project work using the newly developed e-space.
  • To consider our own project planning and how to meet learning objectives.
  • To identify as a group, areas in which we could collaborate more effectively, for personal learning as well as to optimise efficiency in public health work. 
  • To become practised in presentation of own work within a safe environment with peer group.

Competencies and Learning Outcomes: the tutorial aims to contribute towards meeting following competencies: (from Aug 2007 curriculum): 

4.8 Manage a project to successful completion within available resources and timescales.

4.9 Demonstrates effective team working in a variety of settings.

4.13 Analyse appropriately a situation or project and identify the steps required to achieve change.

4.18 Identify and engage relevant stakeholders for a project to improve public health

EMS 2 Be willing to consult colleagues

EMS 13 Keep knowledge and skills up to date including regular audit, appraisal and reflective learning.

Facilitators: Kate Conlon and Rachel Clark