Tutorial: Commissioning Skills
Category: Regional Public Health Events - Other
Date: June 12th 2014 9:30am until 4:00pm
Location: Room S09, PMS Building, St Luke’s Campus, Heavitree Road, Exeter EX1 2LU
These tutorials are open to Public Health Specialty Registrars on the South West Public Health Training Programme only.
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South West Public Health Training Programme
Tutorial: Commissioning Skills
Date: Thursday 12th June 2014
Location: JS09 Smeall Building, Exeter Medical School, St Luke’s Campus, Heavitree Road, Exeter EX1 2LU
9.30 – 10.00 Tea & coffee on arrival
10.00 – 10.10 Welcome and overview of the day
Rachel Wigglesworth, SpR Public Health
10.10 – 11.15 Session 1 – Introduction to commissioning, procurement and tendering
Steve Brown, Consultant in Public Health, Devon County Council
11.15 – 11.30 Tea and coffee break
11.30 – 12.45 Session 2 – health improvement and Service Specifications
Lucy O’Loughlin, Health Improvement, Devon County Council
Steve Brown, Consultant in Public Health, Devon County Council
12.45 – 13.15 Lunch (lunch is provided)
13.15 – 14.15 Session 3 – Specialised Commissioning
Nevila Kallfa, Consultant in Public Health, NHS England
14.15 – 14.30 Tea and coffee break
14.30 – 15.45 Session 4 – Commissioning? Should we consider a different approach?
Laura Juett, Senior Public Health and Policy Manager, Plymouth City Council
Gary Wallace, Senior Specialist Drug and Alcohol Team Manager, Plymouth City Council
15.45 - 16.00 Review and discussion
Learning Objectives:
- To gain an understanding of the key elements of the commissioning cycle.
- Develop a good knowledge of the legal and ethical framework for tendering health services in UK.
- Understand the application of public health skills to commissioning services in the public sector.
- Gain an insight into commissioning roles across public agencies including council, specialised commissioning and health.
- Develop awareness of patient and clinical networks, agencies and interest groups that can be engaged to inform commissioning decisions and approaches.
Suggested Learning Outcomes
Phase 1:
3.1 Display awareness of current national public health policies
3.3. Identify the key issues which must be addressed when developing policy options
Phase 2:
4.18 Identify and engage relevant stakeholders for a project to improve public health
7.2 Design and implement data collection for a defined service question and integrates data outputs with other routinely available and relevant data
Phase 3:
7.6 Prepare and present a service specification document which will lead to service development to a relevant committee or management group within the organisation.
7.18 Lead the development of outcome measures and standard setting within the context of professional networks and/or commissioning
7.20 Prepare a service commissioning policy and associated contractual documentation eg service level agreement, incorporating outcome measures demonstrating rationality in the local and national context.
2.18 Use evidence-based recommendations to influence decisions.
3.5 Collate and interpret information and advice from clinical/ other colleagues to inform policy or strategy.
3.6 Make appropriate changes to policy and/or strategy proposals in response to discussion with stakeholders.
4.17 Negotiate and influence in a multi-agency arena.
7.2 Design and implement data collection for a defined service question and integrates data outputs with other routinely available and relevant data.