Minutes of meeting held 

2pm on Tuesday, 07 February 2012  



Chris Hine (Chair) – CH

Caroline Gamlin – CG

Paul Harwood – PW

Kate Rocha – KR

Stuart Cook – SC

Becky McLean – BMc

Yoav Ben-Shlomo - YBS

Paul Pilkington – PP

Bharat Pankhania – BH

Mike Wade – MW

Jim O’Brien  - JOB

Kirsty Alexander – KA

Sally Pearson – SP


In attendance:


Beth Carpenter - BC




Gabriel Scally

Alasdair Miller

Toyin Ejidokun

Janet McCulloch

Isabel Oliver

Pat Diskett

Keith Kennerley


 1 Welcome and introductions

CH agreed to chair the meeting in the absence of Gabriel Scally.

CH welcomed KA as a new Lead Supervisor for Zone C which will be job shared with Mary-Ann McKibben.  Pat Diskett had agreed to take on the role on a temporary basis for Zone D but was unable to dial in to meeting.

This would be the final meeting for the current StR Chairs: MW and BMc

2 To agree minutes of previous meeting held on:

11 October 2011

These were accepted as a true record of the meeting.

 3 Matters Arising

  • Rachel Clark would be the StR rep for the HP working group.  No meeting had yet taken place.
  • SP had taken the committees concerns and suggestion that the DH should be offering locum and fixed term CPH posts during transition to the FPH. 
  • Lead for Zone C, (NHS Swindon /NHS Gloucestershire /NHS Wiltshire) is Kirsty Alexander and Mary-Ann McKibben
    Lead for Zone D NHS South Gloucestershire/NHS Bath & North East Somerset /NHS Bristol / NHS North Somerset is Pat Diskett (temporary arrangement)
  • Zone A was to take part in the pilot for the first Quality Panel

4 Chair’s Update

JO’B spoke in the absence of GS.  He reported that, following the resignation of GS as RDPH, it was not clear what the process would be for appointing to his post but it had been made clear that there would be a replacement RDPH for South of England.

Nationally, in spite of the increasingly limited timescale, no agreements were in place regarding how organisations would work together on areas of work such as immunisation and screening and who holds the responsibility for programmes of work.

The committee wished to record its thanks to GS for the time and interest he had taken as chair of the training committee since 2000 and to wish him well for the future.  It was also recorded that GS had been very committed to the broadening of PH training.

 5 Head of School’s Report

CH highlighted the following from her written report:

  • The scientific conference went very well with quality speakers and interesting parallel sessions chaired excellently by StRs.  Ruth Woolley and Hugh Annett were to be congratulated for the planning.  CH was looking forward to Dartington.
  • Recruitment had been successful to the ACF posts and further academic posts were to be confirmed.
  • The success of 2011 leavers securing consultant or locum consultant posts with one remaining on period of grace

The likely move of StR contracts to acute trusts, in line with many other regions, was discussed.  StR contracts would remain in the NHS and Commissioning Clinical Groups (CCG) would not be a possibility as they were small with no HR function.  Also CCGs will be leaving the NHS in the future.

MW asked how any changes to the host organisation would be communicated.  Jon Roberts, StR rep on the transition group would pass on any information to the StR group. As directed from DH, all NHS Bristol employees had received a letter indicating that at present, future plans for contracts were not clear! 

 6 Budget Update

Subject to outstanding invoices, it was likely there would be a small underspend in 2011/2012.  CH was pleased to report that there was not to be a cut in the budget in 2012/2013.  The business plan was being drawn up and would be presented to the RTC.

 7 Transition plan

KR had circulated a Transition Plan update.  She outlined the purpose of the Transition meeting with SHA, Severn Deanery and StR representatives. Following this meeting accountabilities and management of the programme would be clearer and terms of reference agreed.

Discussion took place about supervisor capacity, during transition.  StRs would need to be assertive in making diary arrangements with their supervisors with their e-portfolio and ARCP the driving force.  Concerns were raised over the loss of experienced supervisors during transition.  CH urged the zone leads to inform the programme team of changes in the supervisor numbers in their area.  Specialty tutors would be urged to flag up training in local transition plans and the programme team would be looking to these enthusiasts to strengthen training at the training locations.

 8Technology and learning

BMc had circulated a report on the current use of technology within the training programme.  With the Severn Deanery currently looking at the use of simulation, this timely report and its recommendations will provide valuable information for a work stream to be led by KR in looking at all aspects of the use of all technologies at appropriate stages of training and equity of provision within the programme.

The committee endorsed setting up a work group.

Discussion took place about the provision of both statistical packages and access to journals, which was variable within the training programme.  YBS would look into the possibility of purchasing Athens independently of the training location.

KR would invite sections of the training community including academic to nominate representatives onto this work group.

SP reported she would be happy to be part of the employment transition group.

 9 Progress on Educational Supervisor accreditation

BC had circulated information from Severn Deanery that showed PH was at the bottom of the accreditation leader board.   SC asked if we considered it necessary to have so many consultants trained as supervisors.  It was agreed that for PH, the number of consultants in each training location was relatively small and so training could be vulnerable if supervisors left.   The count down was now on to ensure all educational supervisors were fully accredited by 31 July 2012.  After this date, the training programme cannot place StRs with supervisors not fully accredited.   Supervisors were urged to check their Intrepid account to ensure all training was logged.  Core competency training for academic supervisors had been arranged at SSCM. 

Following the core competency training, wider aspects of training would be offered and the specialty tutor day would be used to inform supervisor training needs.

10 Quality panels (QP)

Feedback from the pilot QP held on 08 December had been circulated.  Points discussed:

  • The input by StRs by devising and administering a survey to StRs colleagues was very helpful.
  • Most action points raised were applicable to most training locations so were actions for the Programme as well as the locations
  • StR rep felt is had been useful and an opportunity to share good practice. 
  • Ed supervisor rep found is a positive experience, challenging but not threatening.
  • The inclusion of external specialty TPD and lay chair contributed to make the process reflective and not introspective.

 Suggestions for future panels:

  • Although not a requirement of the process, the Faculty Adviser would be invited as part of their FPH remit of quality assurance
  • An academic supervisor would be invited
  • Aim to hold one panel to look at all geographic zones on one day with a further day to cover academic settings and Health Protection.
  • Use single StR survey with additional questions for academic StRs.
  • Plan to run next round mid autumn; dates to be agreed.
  • Grading uses GMC standards.  Training departments to be asked to provide fuller information and evidence of excellence. 
  • Guidance to be developed with examples of excellence.

Areas of good practice highlighted:

  • Using reflective note template from GP appraisal toolkit
  • An open door policy to all consultants in the PH team

 11 Report from Chairs of the StR Committee

A StR travel audit had been circulated for information.

MW  highlighted the following:

  • Priority setting of StR business had proved a more effective way of working, resulting in good debate and engagement of more StRs.
  • StR involvement and representation in the planning stages of the training conference, scientific conference and residential school.  The StRs had been invited to produce the first draft agenda for the 2012 training conference.
  • Recent passes in the Part B exam.
  • Sarah Weld and Dominic Mellon were taking over as joint Chairs of the StR committee following RTC

CH thanked MW and BMc for their work as chairs.

SP requested that the StR group provide reports on their activities.

12 Report from Academic Public Health institutions

PP was thanked for written report from UWE.  He was always keen to speak to any StR who is interested in working in Faculty of Health and Life Sciences

YBS reported from SSCM:

  • A different format which seemed to work well had been introduced into the Part A revision course
  • Alan Cook from Severn Deanery was running core competency training at Canynge Hall for academic supervisors.
  • Pleased that 2 ACF posts had been filled in January.
  • One of the lecturers at SSCM had submitted a PhD proposal
  • There had been several StR publications recently

 CH reported that the university contracts needed to be complete by 2013.

 13 Report from HPA

BP reported that the subject of the provision of mobile phones for on call was once again being discussed.  This ongoing and intractable problem would be taken up as part of the technology work group.  BP is currently supervising StRs who appear to be enjoying their attachment.

 14  CPD

TE had provided an update on revalidation. 

KA had taken part in a pilot for revalidation.  It is still a work in progress but consultants should be aware that this will involve a significant amount of evidence gathering and logging, much as is currently required of StRs.  One committee member commented that the commissioned 360 degree tool being used was very disappointing.

 15 Policy update

 KR had circulated policy updates which would be added to the website. 

Indemnity.  KR reported StRs are not required to take out personal indemnity as they are covered by the employer (NHS Bristol) and the cover applies regardless of where they are located.  Following questions, KR will seek further confirmation and re-word policy statement to include reference to being on-call.

On-call telephone use – Discussion took place about the inequity around the region and complications and implications of using personal mobile phones for on-call duties. KR had submitted 3 options but none was agreed on. As part of technology work stream, KR to seek information from other regions.

Educational roles and expectations – StRs requested that the policy should include frequency and length of meeting in line with learning agreements in the first phase at least.   It was felt some wording was ambiguous and greater clarity was requested . 

Study leave policy – MW felt the study leave allowance was very generous but could prove an issue for some StRs if they have to re-sit exams.  KR confirmed that the study leave policy had been amended to include reference to academic supervisors as well as educational supervisors to aid when study leave was required for exams.

16 Information from Programme Co-ordinator

BC to update database with the name of training organisations and note any StRs who are currently out of programme. 

17 Any other business

YBS reported on the timing difficulties when arranging the Part A revision course.  Differences in term dates at LSHTM and Cardiff make it doubly difficult.   Suggested that as LSHTM is the programme’s lead academic institution for MPH, their term dates are used as basis.  It would be preferable to book the course one year in advance.

 Date of next meetings:

Thursday 14 June 2012, Meeting Room 3, South West House, Taunton

(face-to-face meeting with dial in option)

 Tuesday 09 October 2012 (teleconference).






Business plan to be completed



YBS to look into the possibility of purchasing Athens independently of the training location



KR to set up a technology and learning working group



StR group provide reports to the RTC on their activities:

  • Developing StR management skills within training;
  • NHS & Public Health Reform Transition
  • Sustainability



Training Policy Educational roles and expectations – wording to be changed to ensure clarity.



BC to update database and information provided to the RTC