Tutorial: Local authority wider determinants

Category: Tutorial Dates - Other

Date: April 19th 2016 9:30am until 4:00pm

Location: Mendip Room, Compass Disability Services, Unit 11-12 Belvedere Trading Estate,Taunton TA1 1BH

Google map

These tutorials are open to Public Health Specialty Registrars on the South West Public Health Training Programme only.

Please register for this event by completing the form below.

After registering you will receive an email asking you to confirm your attendance. It is important to check your junk inbox for this message.

If you have confirmed attendance and then find you are unable to attend, it is important to inform Gemma Cooke, School Support Manager.

South West Public Health Training Programme

Public Health tutorial: Local Authority Wider Determinants

19th April 2016

Please bring your laptop for the practical session

Trains arrive from: 

Exeter & Plymouth: 09.19, 09.50 (Exeter only)

Bristol, Bath & London: 09.14, 09.45

Bristol & Gloucester: 09.14





Registration and tea/coffee



Introductions/updates from new registrars (Name, where you are based any concerns), people leaving or returning from maternity leave and people who have or will be CCT’d and this may be their last tutorial.



Presentation on the wider determinants and data tools that can be used – PHE.



Tea/coffee break



Practical session exploring data tools e.g. local health and GP practice profiles. Please bring your laptop (Private or personal) – PHE.



Practical session discussion/Q&A and any other issues you may have with the data tools demonstrated – PHE.



Lunch – provided



Optional business slot for 10 minutes to announce/debate/catch up any important issues with the training scheme. – Katie Long and Rob Tolfree, plus any others



LA Wider Determinants Presentation with discussion (Coffee break at 3pm) – Dr Mark Pietroni DPH.






Register to Attend